
Explore healing through higher consciousness. Connect to your purpose, remove blockages and gain insights into all areas of your life. Welcome to Mind’s Eye Healing Arts, a sanctuary for soulful exploration and profound transformation. I invite you to embark on a captivating journey that connects you to your own sacred energy and wisdom for your deepest healing experience. Through the powerful and rapid hypnotherapy process of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique™ or QHHT, you can address emotional, physical or mental healing, explore past life regression or investigate larger esoteric questions to enhance your spiritual journey.

I also offer energy healing through Reiki where you can experience the gentle yet deeply powerful healing flow of universal energy to sooth and restore body, mind and soul. If you are seeking guidance and knowledge through an energy reading, then the mystical insights of the Tarot can offer profound comfort, validation and clarity. Bring a personal object to your session and I will do a reading on it to deepen your experience.

At Mind’s Eye, I am dedicated to guiding you through the veils of consciousness and empowering you to embrace a more radiant and aligned existence. Open your mind’s eye and discover the boundless potential that awaits you at Mind’s Eye Healing Arts.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique™

Experience Dolores Cannon’s brilliant method of healing hypnosis. Get profound and fast results by connecting to your higher self while in deep and healing states of altered brain waves. This is a powerful technique designed to bring you into resonance with your higher wisdom. This is not ordinary or conventional hypnosis. This credible healing modality offers a powerful and profound state of transformation and clarity that can bring lasting change. Address topics from addiction to questions about whether or not we are alone in the universe. There is no limit to what can be understood in this altered state of higher consciousness. Often, clients have mystical experiences from past life regression to an opening of multi-dimensional truths. This modality is excellent for working with emotional and body trauma. You will find the answers you seek.

In person/$300.00/5 hours

Buddhist Lotus Flower


This intuitive approach to healing is incredibly relaxing and offers palpable benefits from your first session.  You will both feel and “see” energy as your mind’s eye begins to wake up to the universal life force that is available to you in every moment.  Open energetic blockages, receive divine information allowing natural flow and tune into the wisdom of the mind-body connection.  This work also assists animals and end of life transitions.

In person or remote/$60.00/75 minutes

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Tarot Readings




This beautiful art seems so mysterious but it is also another form of energy understanding and healing.  One way to describe the Tarot is simply a series of images with archetypal symbols connected to the collective unconscious which works through the universal laws of attraction and assumption.  The magic happens when the cards connect to your energy field and my intuitive process.  The result is a dynamic reading which offers you clarity and insight allowing you a look into the mystical quantum field of possibility.

In person or remote/$60.00/1 hour